Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Science, History, Mysticism & Religion – A lifting of the Veil Concept for 2013

The Big Rip of the Millenium

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

Edith Lovejoy Pierce


The utmost story of the Millennium is our Father the enormous Creator in Heaven has made a huge slip-up in construction of the universe.

All his scientist, mystics and evil forces have made a inaccuracy in the create which has regrettably put our originator the all perceptive into a very risky situation.

When God twisted man by earth clay the most basic one was just like God a Reptile. God was discourage as he wishes to be every single one Knowing and faultless. So the first male was a devastating reptile than after countless explore he manages Noah / Adam.


God in the chronology of the creation describe the history and future of the universe according to Big Bang cosmology, the prevailing scientific model of how the universe came into being and developed over time.

The Beginning of the Big Bang

The instant in which when god wrapped the ark from the spirit and held hostage the creative God (Real) was imprisoned and consequently spirit wrecked in top-security prison.  The universe than was manifesting rapidly thus it will expand from a singularity is known as the Big Bang.  


Beginning of evolution

However the thought was how can formation exist in the Indian ark as it's too hot? Soul will be fried like a animal protein.

It took more than 40 years to rupture the skull how to fashion the creation as (Spirit) the Satan as per scripture was refusing to oblige.

Invariable he created a horrible look alike of Adam which failed to deceive Spirit (Satan ) and then finally he managed it and God told (Eve the Spirit) Satan in heaven, " Verily,  this is your Adam , your Lord commands you to  fuse with him. Subsequently eve the spirit (Satan) was glancing but not pleased …. She refused to bond with Adam..After numerous challenges God managed to deceive spirit and she just blew 1 percent of her spirit to identify if this was Adam. That's where the scriptures say that she blew and he sneezed!

And Adam was too dumb to please Spirit. She knew this was not Adam.

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However  God managed  the initial being  which will help him to further break symmetry and again split into matter symmetry  rapidly ………………….It was successful attempt thou  ……………………and this refers to the  story where the Satan is refusing to prostrate  to his conception.


The second plot : This was the Forbidden fruit of paradise. Which lead to Adam and Eves expulsion from Heaven

Adam was taught the language of the spirit . Her moral and ethical values, ideals, scriptures and than presented to the Spirit.

… so In the second phase, with this renewed creation he managed to deceive Spirit eve and in this he managed to extract more spirit energy with fusion as Adam which scientifically known as  quark-gluon plasma which helped universe cool  further,  and a high speed multiplication to reduce the hot temperature. The current fundamental forces we know take their present forms through further again symmetry breaking – notably the breaking of electroweak symmetry - and the full range of complex and composite particles we see around us today became possible, leading to a matter dominated universe, the first neutral atoms (almost all hydrogen) and the background we can detect today.

This gives a clear scientific knowledge of the very earliest universe which was hot, and energetic, since the time of the seize the most primitive earth was hot….. Since spirit was a one single unified force.

The Search for Noahs Ark

However all hell broke loose when Spirit realized it was a treachery.  She lost her sense of control and began to abuse God. God felt that the location was unsafe with the untamed spirit in dispense since the spirit is of fire and much higher vibrational frequencies.  God decided to take her out of the Indian ark as it was a huge stress in the path of his planning the universe.

Therefore he distributes the ark to his children and he moved towards the Arabian Desert. His sons arranged a  a vehicle to take the spirit towards a different position and thus she was cramped inside a fish and put in water . It was not a easy task for our creator to handle the spirit as she was terrible and extremely rapid. So to keep the captive inside the fish he chained the creative matter God  that is the Masculine Energy matter of the Spirit force. She was the spirit of this God matter. The moment she witnessed her Lord chained and beaten she was unable to believe this state of her beloved. This led to her collapsing rather disillusioned with grief and sadness.

This in Time and Space

Thus the journey towards Arabia was peaceful with the Spirit fast asleep or unconscious. So that God/ Noah  and his family found it  a bit cooler while travelling since the heat was manageable inside the water. This is the Noah's Ark in which he and his family travelled underwater towards the desert. He needed a set of patience to compose himself able to multiply his matter liberally and split it as rapidly as feasible.


Creation of the Sky and Stars

The third phase started with a universe whose fundamental particles and forces were as we know them, and witnessed the emergence of large scale stable structures, such as the earliest stars, quasars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and super clusters, and the development of these to create the kind of universe we see today. A Sky with  stars and cluster of galaxies etc created for the creations. This spirit is called as the spiral galaxy. The star Galaxy called the Milky way disillusioned and confined in Darkness .

The Separation

Spiritually the  veil which separates the universe and the Solar System where the spirit now called the Milky way  is disillusioned and confined. This is called as an intense radio source named Sagittarius  which is likely to be a super massive black hole.

In 2007, a star in the Galactic halo, HE 1523-0901, was estimated to be about 13.2 billion years old, ≈0.5 billion years less than the age of the universe. As the oldest known object in the Milky Way at that time, this measurement placed a lower limit on the age of the Milky Way.

LIFTING OF THE VEIL:   Spiritually called the veil, between Reality and Illusion. In other terms linking in useless immoral actions and abuse women without significant facts killing time in consumption of Alcohol and Meat  , watching movies and dancing will not help to see facts.

To lift the veil of certainty we require true  Knowledge than the process of False Spirituality Or indulge in sacred  prostitution.

Purity of Mind, Intent and Focus is the key to lifting the veil.

Thus in the earth's 13.2 Billion years not one single Sufi is been successful in lifting the veil. Rather they veiled us further. Prayer is the goal and transparency. The faith alongside all defeat is the pathway towards the Spirit.

The Pagan Practice Concept

To achieve this God Almighty found another brilliant plan. He became the first Buddha and found the method of becoming one with Spirit. This was a huge effort. Since he had to force the female serpent energy inside his body (remember the birth and creation of snake race)    to shoot it beyond the False Sky hitting it straight to the Milky way the Spirit Mother confined in darkness thus few attempts as Buddha.

Establishing Dharma

The blessed Buddha says : 'I am not the first Buddha who has come upon the Earth, nor shall I be the last. In the right time, another Buddha will arise in the world, a Holy One, a Supremely Enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, Knowing the Truth, an incomparable leader of men, a Master of Spirit and mortals. He will reveal to you these Eternal Truths. He will preach his Dharma, Glorious in its Origin, Glorious in the Middle, and Glorious in its end, in the Spirit as well as the letter. He will proclaim a life of Dharma, wholly Perfect and Pure, even as I now proclaim.'

His disciple asked him : 'How shall we know him?'

And the Buddha said: 'He will be known as Maitreya which means, the friend.'"


The Division Concept

Than the blessed Prophet Musa ( Moses) , Prophet Isa ( Jesus Christ)   and the Seal of all prophets Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon Him) sealed the game with the Religion of Islam in Arabia for  the Muslims. It was a lot of hard work for the creator.

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.  ( Here we must understand that what Jesus meant and spoke cannot be the interpretation of unawareness)

These Prophets Of God Were Not Founders Of Different Religions To Be Named After Them. They Were Each Reiterating The Message And Faith Of Their Predecessors.

All Propagated The Same Faith And Conveyed The Same Message Of Tawheed (Oneness Of God), Risaalat (Prophethood) And Aakhirah (The Hereafter).

The Qur'an States That Islam – The Complete Submission Of Man Before His One And Only Unique Creator – Is The One And Only Faith And Way Of Life Consistently Revealed By God To Humankind From The Very Beginning.

Noah, Solomon, David, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jesus (Peace Be Upon Them All) – Prophets Who Appeared At Different Times And Places –

Space itself expanded during an inflationary period due to the immensity of the energies involved. Since he created man and woman and then some more extra beings the spirit energy was distributed …. So each body got point 1 percent energy from the vast energy in his custody.  Gradually the immense energies cooled – still to a temperature inconceivably hot compared to any we see around us now, but sufficiently to allow forces to gradually undergo symmetry breaking, a kind of repeated condensation from one status quo to another, leading finally to the separation of the strong force it means the energy ripped and ripped making the matter God weak and withering from the electroweak force and the first particles.

Mysticism – This is the Language of the Soul: Visions, Insight and Prophecy. People embedded it. So he chose one of his own creations and make them do all the hard work. Since the path to reach spirit requires a lot of discipline. Alcohol, Sex with various partners and purity of mind, forfeit was essential designer decided that since they were many spirit particles distributed used in the formation of life. Mysticism is the innate awakening of all souls towards the oneness. This was skilled by chosen Sufi Mystics who were naively used with forged vision and then the search for the beloved began. It taught only Love and no material desire.

Shirdi Sai Baba, Hazrat Rumi, Khwaja Saab , Baba Farid, Sant Kabir walked the path without direction.

This was the inner path of all religion. The heart of the Religion.

The explore of the inner jouney where few would reach and become saints . Love for the beloved and the desire to be one.

The Concept of Oneness. Fanaa and the State of Baqaa Bilaa or the Kundalini

So when the Kundalini Shoots to the peak our father reach the Heaven he has shaped and receive the real Spirit and absorb it within him. In return the sadak is replaced with evil and psychic forces which become the spiritual medium or distorts or makes the other completely imbalance. So the Sadak end up going up and come down. Confused with understanding where he has landed.

Similar process is for the process of death. The Satan comes as the God of Death and induces the body by releasing the 3 knots in the Kundalini and there you go flying up.

Establishing Of Death Process


He would receive it on the other end  since a dire need to reuse for varied purpose. This soul or spirit in another body is the birth process. One Soul many Bodies.

This brings us to the concept of Rebirth and Karma.  Where we are disillusioned and battered accepting it as Karma.


Than scientifically it was revealed to us that as of 2011, this expansion 13.7 billion years ago.  It is convenient to divide the evolution of the universe so far into three phases.

Modern high energy particle physics theories are satisfactory at these energy levels, since they had the knowledge of their creator and so physicists believe they have a good understanding of this and successive enlargement of the fundamental universe around us. So God and his creations felt that they were highly intelligent and the formula of cooling the universe is discovered.

Gods plan New World the Golden Era

God by no means realized that as the inhabitants was scattering the whole thing was ripping apart.  Because of these changes, space had also become largely transparent to light and other electromagnetic energy rather than "foggy" by the end of this phase. The earth became cooler and Gods assumption too was being paid more and it became extremely as cooler. His energy dilution that is 99 percent soul and 1 percent spirit… and the abundance of creation where prophets were blessed with wives and 100's of children.

Gods plan to be in this world in a fresh ground like heavens has failed miserably as he did not calculate that on a far longer timescale, the Stelliferous Era will end as stars that is the Mother serpents multiplications on earth, angels ultimately die and fewer are born to restore them, leading to a darkening universe as Gods morally wrong practice of sexual characteristics and unconstructive effect has fashioned a Big Black Hole in his pants. Diverse theories put forward a number of successive potential.

Big Black Hole Concept

Now beyond the present day, scientists anticipate that the Earth will cease to support life in about a billion years, and will be drawn into the sun in about 5 billion years. That depends on his power to sustain the crisis.

Global warming crisis

Despondently God never premeditated when he was take pleasure in damaging the spirit that due to extreme eating, alcohol and sex, killing and abusive way of life and teachings to all his children would lead to Gods particles such as protons will destabilize then eventually matter that is God Almighty may evaporate into low level energy where he belonged originally in a kind  of entropy related heat death.

Hell Concept

The entropy related heat death  in scriptures called as the Fire of Hell. That was in fact set aside for him since he the only Father to all his children have the authority of alarming his creation intended into practice of control and restraint.

End of the Universe or Annihilation

On the other hand the design may collapse in a big crunch,  where all his creations too will join him as matter will go back to the source and although current data shows it is actually still expanding. In this Gods life is in threat and he is agitated to save himself ………………..his mental power is not functioning and his scientist, physicist are just deteriorating in saving thy Lord.

If this is truthful then it may end in a "big freeze" as matter and energy become very thinly spread and cool down. Alternative suggestion includes a false vacuum upheaval or a Big Rip as apparent ends to the universe.

Gods Wrath and Anger concept

Therefore scientifically to save the Big Rip accumulation mass butchery and sucking of spirit force is the single expectation. There is not anything in the planet that can save God.

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